High Bridge participated with over 30 US nuclear industry suppliers as part of a US Department of Commerce Industry Trade Group attending the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held in Vienna from Sept. 16 to 21. Over 2,500 attendees from over 150 IAEA Member Nations attended this annual event. Besides attending various IAEA conference sessions and side events, the Department of Commerce arranged private group meetings for the US Company Representatives with over 20 IAEA member nations delegations to be briefed about their growing commercial nuclear power programs. This was followed by many one-on-one meetings with countries interested in US goods and services. VP and Regional Manager Ken Aupperle represented High Bridge and attended the IAEA General Conference with this Industry Trade Group. Ken reports that High Bridge has very real opportunities emerging to support the commercial nuclear power programs in several countries including Canada, United Kingdom, France, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. Links below are provided for the several Summary Brochures made available and handed out to IAEA Conference attendees. Links to some photos from this conference are also provided.
September 2018, High Bridge Core Services, Projects, Customers